Day 1, Thursday, May 15th
08:00-09:30 Industry-supported Pre-COMy Symposium
09:30-09:40 Technical Break
09:40-09:50 COMy 2025 kick-off: Welcome by the Congress Co-Chairs
09:50-11:20 Session 1: Advances in biology I
Moderators: Eileen Boyle, USA; Paola Neri, Canada
09:50-10:05 WGS: Samur Mehmet, USA
10:05-10:20 Clonal diversity: Joaquín Martínez López, Spain
10:20-10:35 Circulating tumor cells and DNA: Andrew Spencer, Australia
10:35-10:50 sBCMA and non-T cell factors: Marc Raab, Germany
10:50-11:05 Mass spectrometry: Noemi Puig, Spain
11:05-11:20 Discussion:
All session faculty and
Nizar Bahlis, Canada
11:20-11:40 Coffee Break
11:40-13:10 Session 2: How do I assess?
Moderators: Joan Bladé, Spain; Heinz Ludwig, Austria
11:40-11:55 AI individualized risk classifier: Francesco Maura, USA
11:55-12:10 Disease response: Shaji Kumar, USA
12:10-12:25 Imaging: Elena Zamagni, Italy
12:25-12:40 Disease risk: Jill Corre, France
12:40-12:55 From detection to decision: the status of MGUS screening:
Sigurdur Kristinsson, Iceland
12:55-13:10 Discussion:
All session faculty and Paola Neri, Canada, Enrique Ocio, Spain
13:10-13:40 Lunch Break
13:40-15:10 Industry-supported Lunch Symposium
15:10-15:20 Technical Break
15:20-16:20 Session 3: Advances in biology II
Moderator: Malin Hultcrantz, USA
15:20-15:35 Protein degraders: Robert Orlowski, USA
15:35-15:50 The unanswered science of myeloma: Keith Stewart, Canada
15:50-16:05 Next generation CAR constructs: Noopur Raje, USA
16:05-16:20 Discussion:
All session faculty and Faith Davies, USA, Michael O’Dwyer, Ireland
16:20-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-18:10 Industry-supported Afternoon Symposium
18:10-18:20 Technical Break
18:20-19:00 Session 4: Plenary lectures I
Moderators: Gareth Morgan, USA; Charlotte Pawlyn, UK
18:20-18:40 From Thalidomide to CelMods: a clinical journey: Meletios Dimopoulos, Greece
18:40-19:00 Genomics to personalize therapy: Nikhil Munshi, USA
19:00-19:30 Session 5: The COMy Debate: Treatment of smoldering myeloma
Moderator: Philippe Moreau, France
19:00-19:10 YES: Irene Ghobrial, USA
19:10-19:20 NO: Hervé Avet-Loiseau, France
19:20-19:30 Discussion:
All session faculty and Claudio Cerchione, Italy, María-Victoria Mateos, Spain,
Karthik Ramasamy, UK
Day 2, Friday, May 16th
07:30-08:15 Industry-supported Breakfast Symposium
08:15-08:25 Technical Break
08:25-09:35 Session 6: How do I treat? Part I
Moderators: Thierry Facon, France; Francesca Gay, Italy
08:25-08:40 Transplant-eligible patients: Aurore Perrot, France
08:40-08:55 Elderly patients: Sonja Zweegman, Netherlands
08:55-09:10 High-risk disease: Cyrille Touzeau, France
09:10-09:25 Amyloidosis: Suzanne Lentzsch, USA
09:25-09:35 Discussion:
All session faculty and Martin Kaiser, UK, Alessandra Larocca, Italy
09:35-09:55 Coffee Break
09:55-11:25 Industry-supported Morning Symposium
11:25-11:35 Technical Break
11:35-12:20 Session 7: IMS Session
11:35-11:50 TBA
11:50-12:05 TBA
12:05-12:20 Discussion
12:20-12:50 Lunch Break
12:50-14:20 Industry-supported Lunch Symposium
14:20-14:30 Technical Break
14:30-15:15 Session 8: Next generation therapies
14:30-14:45 TBA
14:45-15:00 TBA
15:00-15:15 TBA
15:15-16:00 Session 9: Plenary lectures II
Moderators: Bertrand Arnulf, France; Yael Cohen, Israel
15:15-15:30 The Academic CAR-T cells experience: Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Spain
15:30-15:45 Antigenic escape with T cell redirecting immunotherapies: Nizar Bahlis, Canada
15:45-16:00 Discussion:
All session faculty and Javier de la Rubia, Spain, Doris Hansen, USA
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-17:50 Industry-supported Afternoon Symposium
17:50-18:00 Technical Break
18:00-19:00 Session 10: Treatment of relapsed/refractory disease
Moderators: Roman Hajek, Czech Republic; Thomas Martin, USA
18:00-18:15 Management of patients after 1 prior line of therapy: María-Victoria Mateos, Spain
18:15-18:30 Management of patients triple class refractory with CAR-T cells:
Paula Rodríguez-Otero, Spain
18:30-18:45 Management of patients triple class refractory with bispecifics: Saad Usmani, USA
18:45-19:00 Discussion:
All session faculty and Hermann Einsele, Germany; Cesar Rodriguez, USA
19:00-19:30 COMy Award Ceremony
Presented by the Congress Co-Chairs
Day 3, Saturday, May 17th
08:15-08:30 Good Morning Coffee
08:30-10:20 Session 11: The ideal trial on the road to achieve the best outcome for patients
Moderators: Jean-Luc Harousseau, France; Jesús San Miguel, Spain
08:30-08:45 A US perspective: Sagar Lonial, USA
08:45-09:00 EMN perspective: Pieter Sonneveld, Netherlands
09:00-09:15 UK perspective: Kwee Yong, UK
09:15-09:30 IFM perspective in young patients: Philippe Moreau, France
09:30-09:45 IFM and Spanish perspective in elderly patients: Salomon Manier, France
09:45-10:00 German perspective: Hartmut Goldschmidt, Germany
10:00-10:20 Discussion:
All session faculty
10:20-10:35 Coffee Break continued …
10:35-11:50 Industry-supported Morning Symposium
11:50-12:00 Technical Break
12:00-12:45 Session 12: Hot topics
Moderators: Graham Jackson, UK; Noor Moukalled, Lebanon
12:00-12:15 Maintenance therapy after ASCT: Xavier Leleu, France
12:15-12:30 Fixed duration vs. continuous maintenance therapy: Paul Richardson, USA
12:30-12:45 Discussion:
All session faculty and Malin Hultcrantz, USA; Roberto Mina, Italy
12:45-13:15 Lunch Break
13:15-14:45 Industry-supported Lunch Symposium
14:45-14:55 Technical Break
14:55-16:10 Session 13: How do I treat? Part II
Moderators: Michel Delforge, Belgium; Albert Oriol, Spain
14:55-15:10 Extra-medullary plasmacytoma: Meral Beksaç, Turkey
15:10-15:25 Patients under dialysis: Florent Malard, France
15:25-15:40 Bone disease: Evangelos Terpos, Greece
15:40-15:55 Waldenstrom disease: Steven Treon, USA
15:55-16:10 Discussion:
All session faculty and Laura Rosiñol Dachs, Spain, Rafat Abonour, USA
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Industry-supported Afternoon Symposium
18:00-18:10 Technical Break
18:10-19:15 Session 14: Keynote lectures
Moderators: Vania Hungria, Brazil; Lalit Kumar, India
18:10-18:35 Affordable therapy algorithm: Vincent Rajkumar, USA
18:35-19:00 The future of myeloma therapy: Kenneth Anderson, USA
19:00-19:15 Discussion:
All session faculty
19:15-19:30 COMy In-Person Conclusions by the Congress Co-Chairs
Day 4, Sunday, May 18th – ONLINE ONLY
Multiple Myeloma communications I
Virtual Industry Symposium
Multiple Myeloma communications II
Virtual Industry Symposium
Final Panel Discussion and Conclusion